Summer Update
For those of you who have been praying for me I offer my thanks. Your prayers have been carrying me through this summer. For those of you who are just interested in what I’ve been up to, thanks for thinking of me! So I am done speaking at two camps and have one more to go this summer. It is a humbling privilege to be trusted to teach TRUTH to so many young ones. I am still in awe that God has called me to this but I am grateful. I’m pretty sure I learn as much if not more than the ones I share with! Anyway my summer started at Luseland Bible Camp. What a joy to serve with my LBC family. As Anna and I drove to camp I looked at her and said, “It kind of feels like we are headed home doesn’t it?” She was quick to agree! God has worked in our lives so mightily in that place that it does indeed feel like home. Anyway I left Anna there for staff training and then enjoyed a couple of delightful days with my big sister in Kindersley. It is always a blessing to work ...