
Showing posts from May, 2013

been too long...

I haven't blogged in a very long time... part of it is that what has been happening in my life is difficult to put into words. Some of it is just too sweet to share, it feels like words will somehow diminish the profound awe-inspiring feelings I feel when I think upon the last few months... I could also say I haven't taken post worthy photography but that isn't really true either ;) I've just been too lazy to upload it... Anyway... life has been good, so very good. I feel like I am living in the light, no longer searching for the sunrise but basking in it... most days anyway. I have my days where life feels blah and bland but for the most part I am content and that my friends is a beautiful feeling. We've decided to turn the basement into day care space, it was time to reclaim the dream and use the basement for it's purpose so come September I will have a basement that is both fun and functional and full of little ones with some space for all those teenage...