January Recap
So the first month of 2015 has pretty much come and gone. It was a good month I'd say. It passed quickly enough. Some of the highlights include the insanely mild temperatures! While we are usually in a deep freeze this time of year it was not uncommon for my girls to run to school in just their hoodies (sweatshirts for my non-SK friends) and forget mittens and toques (or winter hats-- again for you non-SK folk.) I don't know that I would call my surgery a highlight but I am thankful it went so well, even if I do look like I have two belly buttons now and certain... ummm 'foundation garments' are no longer comfortable to wear but I feel better and have made some significant diet changes that have resulted in me feeling so healthy and losing all the weight I had put on in the past year so good comes out of bad... or something like that. The girls have finished off semester 1 of their grade 12,11 and 9 school years. All did well and maintained great averages, so very...