2015... 2016
I have a newsletter written and I'll probably post it with pictures in the next week or so but today I just want to take a moment to say thank you to 2015and look ahead to 2016. I anticipated 2015 being a year of celebration and it truly was. We celebrated many joyous things, my parents 50th anniversary, a Hoehnle family reunion, Anna's grad and many other things. I got to know myself better and became a truer version of myself. 2015 was a really kind year and I am grateful. As with every year, there were defining moments. These moments often come at a great cost and with a great deal of pain. 2015 held a moment or two like that, my heart has been broken at the deepest part but in that brokenness I found freedom from the chains of the past. So even as my eyes fill with unshed tears, my heart sings with a deep abiding joy that only comes with true acceptance and forgiveness of others and of myself. As I look forward to tomorrow and the 365 days after that, the only word t...