
Showing posts from December, 2015

2015... 2016

I have a newsletter written and I'll probably post it with pictures in the next week or so but today I just want to take a moment to say thank you to 2015and look ahead to 2016. I anticipated 2015 being a year of celebration and it truly was. We celebrated many joyous things, my parents 50th anniversary, a Hoehnle family reunion, Anna's grad and many other things. I got to know myself better and became a truer version of myself. 2015 was a really kind year and I am grateful. As with every year, there were defining moments. These moments often come at a great cost and with a great deal of pain. 2015 held a moment or two like that, my heart has been broken at the deepest part but in that brokenness I found freedom from the chains of the past. So even as my eyes fill with unshed tears, my heart sings with a deep abiding joy that only comes with true acceptance and forgiveness of others and of myself. As I look forward to tomorrow and the 365 days after that, the only word t...

Christmas Greetings (the extended version)

To my beautiful friend who is traveling across the world for a big adventure who will spend Christmas Day in the air, Merry Christmas. To my favourite aunt who will be getting through her first Christmas without her son and to all of that special family, I still wish you a Merry Christmas for God is holding you in His hand. To my far away friend who will once again navigate this holiday without her husband by her side, I wish you and E joy and peace. To you my sweet friend who knows this Christmas is likely the last she will spend in this earthly shell  I pray you experience the miracle of Christmas in a whole new way. To my dear friends who are spending this Christmas in the hospital with their sweet newborn instead of at home, my prayer is that you will still experience all the joy new parents should! To the many of my dear ones who will be figuring out how Christmas looks now that seperations and divorce have changed your lives I pray you find the peace you need. To those ...
It's a bit of a melancholy morning. I watched a sad episode of a favourite tv show and now I can't stop thinking about my friends who will be having their first Christmas without someone dear to them and those who will be navigating this holiday for the second, third, fourth, tenth time and still miss that person. I am praying for friends who are sick and know they have to make the most of every day they have left to walk with those they love. This Christmas carries a lot of sadness and yet I am so grateful for the lessons I have learned from these same people about resilience and hope and strength and peace in all circumstances. 9 days to enjoy the preparation for a day or two of Christmas... Enjoy the moments that come along the way. Make the most of everyday and love those around you like you have a to squeE a lifetime of love into a day.