Moving Forward
For the last few months I have been stagnant... not moving forward, not moving backwards just standing still... quite paralyzed actually. Scared to look at the things in life that are, well scaring me! It's time to move forward and accept that there are just some things (and people) that I cannot change and I cannot let those things keep me from moving forward.
With a month to go until Christmas, I will journey towards a place of wholeness and acceptance again. By Christmas I want to be my joyful, happy self again.
Blogging will be a part of that, it's time to connect again. To look at those pieces of myself that I keep locked away. I will be spending time with my Father, getting to know what it is He wants to show me.
I will be cleaning my house and resting my body. Christmas preparations and baking soothe my soul and the joy of the story of my Savior's birth rejuvenate me. As the season of Advent approaches, I want to prepare for my Coming King. I want to be ready when He comes again. It's time to fill the oil in the lamps and prepare the feast.
My verse for this Advent season

With a month to go until Christmas, I will journey towards a place of wholeness and acceptance again. By Christmas I want to be my joyful, happy self again.
Blogging will be a part of that, it's time to connect again. To look at those pieces of myself that I keep locked away. I will be spending time with my Father, getting to know what it is He wants to show me.
I will be cleaning my house and resting my body. Christmas preparations and baking soothe my soul and the joy of the story of my Savior's birth rejuvenate me. As the season of Advent approaches, I want to prepare for my Coming King. I want to be ready when He comes again. It's time to fill the oil in the lamps and prepare the feast.
My verse for this Advent season
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