Christmas 2012...

... was in a word, amazing. A frozen waterfall in Canmore AB. I took this picture back in 2007 In many more words, it was a very memorable holiday filled with special moments and wonderfully thought out gifts, time with family, way too much good food and a waterfall of grace. We began our Christmas on Dec 23, when we 'stole' a few hours to be a family. We went on a twinkle tour, ate cookies and had hot chocolate and played a family game of Tribond. We went to bed way too late and had a great night together. Oh yeah and we let the girls open one gift... we got them each a book called THE STORY which is basically the Bible without all the extra stuff. Still God's word just weaved together in more of a story form. I have seen those books put to good use already :) Christmas Eve was a long day, Bobby and I both worked the morning and then spent the afternoon preparing for supper with The Lawrence Clan. The food was great and spending time with family is al...