Now that the hustle and bustle of Christmas is over, and what an amazing Christmas it was, I will take a few minutes to update you all on the happenings of our family.
Christmas Eve 2012
2012 has been a very busy year, guess I'll just take us one by one and catch you up!
Anna and Logan |
Anna is 16 now. We had quite the amazing party for her in
May where she was received many gifts from fabulous friends and acquired her
very first boyfriend (who is still around I should add) Anna is busy in her
grade 10 year and involved in many things. She is part of WIRED, (the school
choir), a peer leader for RE:Charge,( the student prayer group), and is also
involved with the yearbook, sewing and drama clubs. She has maintained an 80%
average in her classes placing her on the Honour Roll. She is also busy outside
of school with babysitting, cleaning a local office building and helping out at
Treasure Seekers (the ministry for those ages two and three) at church. Of course she still has her synchronized swimming
as well. She is swimming and moving into a coaching role this season as well. And
somehow she still has time to hang out with her friends, sleep and eat! Anna
has not tested for her driver’s licence but I am sure that will come soon as
well. Oh and I forgot to mention she helped coached little league soccer this
past spring as well and plans to again in 2013!
Emily, at 14 is really enjoying her first year at the High
School. Grade 9 has brought lots of new experiences and lots of homework! Emily has joined her big sister in yearbook and loves her early Thursday mornings at RE:Charge! Em has enjoyed her classes and has found some favorite teachers already. Basketball season began just before Christmas. Emily is being coached by one of my old classmates which is quite fun for both of them I think! We are looking forward to cheering Em on at her first game sometime in January. Emily went back to piano lessons this fall and is growing into a beautiful player. I enjoy listening to her practice everyday. Busy with friends and homework, Emily still spends lots of time with her Grammy and Papa and splits her time time between our church here in Estevan and going out to Arcola with her Papa. No longer the shy one, Emily brings much laughter and joy to our home. We love that she doesn't take herself to seriously and is always willing to laugh at herself. And I should mention that Em is now taller than her older sister and still growing!
Brenna is 12 and in grade 7 this year. She is super outgoing
and has enjoyed a season of volleyball and is looking forward to basketball! She was a bit worried about this year at school as her best friend moved away in the summer but God has blessed her with good friends and a great teacher so it has made this year one of the best!
She is involved in the French club and plays two instruments in the band program, trombone and xylophone. She is taking a break from piano this year! Brenna moved from competitive synchronized swimming to recreational. It has been a
great move for her. She is thriving in the rec program and loves her coaches. Brenna is a great helper when it comes to my babysitting.
She is always willing to take the little one outside for a walk or to play. She is also a helper in our church nursery. It won't be long before she will be in high demand as a local babysitter I'm sure.
The newest member of our family is a little pup named Rider.
He is a lab/shepherd cross. He is a very energetic pup! We had to put our dear
old Rocky down this past summer and while Rider does not make us miss Rock any
less, he does add a lot of laughter and exasperation to our home! Our other dog
Sandi just didn’t cope well with the new pup so she went to live with my mom and
dad. I have been trying to get them to adopt her for YEARS. I’m glad I finally
succeeded! Even if dad won’t admit it, he is really enjoying having her around!
Bobby is still enjoying his job out at Peterbilt. He has
been given a promotion of sorts and is now doing some outdoor sales, meaning he
is on the road one day a week. He enjoys meeting with customers and being out
of the store! He has taken on the job of ushering at church and whenever he has the opportunity he sits and talks 'bible stuff' with our daughters and their friends. He worked with the high school football again this fall. He does enjoy those boys! And they respect him and quite a few stay in touch with him on facebook :) Guess they appreciate the guy who tapes them up and assesses their injuries and encourages them all the while he is doing it!
As for me? I am busy with my girls and babysitting. I took a step back from the local synchro board but am still involved at a provincial level. I am teaching Sunday School again and love it! I had a great summer speaking at 3 bible camps and am looking forward to another summer of speaking engagements.
Some highlights of 2012 were Emily, Brenna and Logan's baptisms. It's great to watch those young people grow in their faith. There were many happy family times in 2012 and we definitely had some struggles as I dealt with a few tough months of anxiety but you know God is faithful and He brought us through and were able to have the happiest Christmas of all, focused on our family, our friends and our faith. It was a truly joyous holiday.
We are looking forward to 2013 and all it will bring, the ups and downs, the laughter and tears. I look forward to seeing my girls continue to grow and become the beautiful young women they are well on the road to becoming.
God Bless You as we finish out 2012 and head into 2013! Since the world didn't end after all, let's make the most of 2013!!
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