Sweet Sunday Mornings

My favorite day of the week, Sunday :) The day our schedule seems reversed a bit. Bobby sleeps and I get up early to enjoy the quiet dawn. I use the time to get ready for Sunday school, reflect on the week past and the plan the week ahead. I seem to be the most creative on these early Sunday mornings.

Communion with God can be so sweet in these still moments before everyone else gets up. Sunday mornings are my favorite time for sure.

This morning I awoke with my brain buzzing with ideas for bible camp this coming summer. I'm working on how to make the Bible seem not so intimidating to those young ones (and maybe myself in the process!) Working on a game for opening chapel and wondering how the the things God is teaching me will work their way into the 34 times I have to speak this coming July. It's an exciting process for me as the ideas form into pictures in my head and I get a really clear outline for a session.
I am also pondering all that God has done in my heart these past few months. I feel like I have come such a long way and yet I know there is a long way to go and that is fine with me. I never want to stop growing and learning and becoming more like the One who saved me.

And on the less spiritual plane I am trying to figure out why my camera isn't working like it used to! Quite frustrated with the quality of my photos from the basketball game yesterday. I'm thinking I had the shutter speed set wrong or maybe the aperture... either way I didn't get any great pictures. I caught the moments but the photos are blurred. Frustrating! Maybe there is a lesson in life there... when we move to fast, things get blurry!

Anyway enough ramblings for one morning. The house is starting to wake up and so it's time for the business of Sunday to intrude on the solitude, but that's OK. I love heading out the door and going to church but today I'm looking forward to an afternoon nap as well!


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