
Showing posts from February, 2015

Not even going to name it...

So here's my thought of the day... I'll be glad when the hype about a certain movie goes away. I don't intend to watch it, I've not wasted my time on reading the books but I'm not sure that promoting in any way, either negative or positive, accomplishes much. Movies come and movies go and sometimes 'we' get really upset about certain ones but I can't help wonder why this one is so much worse than others that have slipped under the radar. 'We' love entire franchises of movies that promote all kinds of violence, sexuality and the like. How can we boycott one and embrace the other? If boycotting this movie helps you re-evaluate EVERYTHING else you watch then I say 'good for you' but don't let it become the high horse upon which you sit if you aren't willing to give up all movies (and television) which promote things 'we' stand against. (I get that this particular movie strikes a chord and it's a disappointing view of se...

Feeling Grumbly

I feel a bit like Winnie the Pooh these days with his 'rumbly in his tumbly' only I'm not looking for honey...  I want the world's best cheeseburger and a big plate of fries to go with it. I could have it I suppose but my stomach would not thank me for it later. I'm a bit jealous of those folks who have their gallbladders removed and can go back to a regular diet fairly quickly... There are so many foods that used to be part of my regular diet that I just cannot tolerate right now... It was easy for awhile to give up those French fries and donuts, the ice cream and cheese! (not together of course!) but lately I find myself somewhat consumed with the cravings of these splurge foods. Rationally I realize that I feel so much better without them and the day will come when I can have them again in moderation but like young Veruca in Willy Wonka 'I want it now....'     My sugar intake seems to go up daily as I try and fight off the cravings with oth...