Feeling Grumbly

I feel a bit like Winnie the Pooh these days with his 'rumbly in his tumbly' only I'm not looking for honey...
 I want the world's best cheeseburger and a big plate of fries to go with it. I could have it I suppose but my stomach would not thank me for it later. I'm a bit jealous of those folks who have their gallbladders removed and can go back to a regular diet fairly quickly...
There are so many foods that used to be part of my regular diet that I just cannot tolerate right now... It was easy for awhile to give up those French fries and donuts, the ice cream and cheese! (not together of course!) but lately I find myself somewhat consumed with the cravings of these splurge foods. Rationally I realize that I feel so much better without them and the day will come when I can have them again in moderation but like young Veruca in Willy Wonka
'I want it now....'
My sugar intake seems to go up daily as I try and fight off the cravings with other things but somehow that is just making it all worse! I also gave up soda again, still have the occasional slurpee but mostly it's just tea and water these days. I miss Pepsi but not enough to drink it again...
On the plus side, everyone on my family seems to be feeling better with less crappy food hanging out in the cupboards but we need to find some balance as one of my girls in particular has a pretty high metabolism that requires a fair bit more fat right now! She has no desire to be a 00 but it's happening!
Oh the joys of redefining life! 


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