Friday can be a lovely day full of anticipation of all the things planned for the weekend. Today is like that for me. In a sense I am working all weekend as we will be watching our favourite Little Miss but since we like having her around, it feels more like grand parenting or maybe 'Aunt and Uncling.'
Anyway Mama and I will go check out the first Christmas Farmer's market which is always a treat. I'm not sure what else the weekend will hold but it's the last one that will end in me going back to work! Hard to believe I only have one week of full time childcare left. I will miss having babies around all the time but I won't miss the daily caring for them.
December is booking up quickly with coffee dates and lunches, day trips and a long to do list of long neglected projects and Christmas baking. Everything on that list promotes healing for my soul and I am so looking forward to it.
The few weeks have been difficult to say the least. It's hard to explain why exactly but in the end I realized I had lost site of where I belonged and how the pieces of my life fit together. Anyway I feel better obviously since I am blogging today :)
Happy Friday. Enjoy your weekend and build special moments into it. Be kind to yourself :)
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