Time to Blog again -30 in 30


I feel like I need a challenge... a reason to write and so I figured a 30 blogs in 30 days challenge would be good for me. I'll be adding some random photography too ;)

My hope is to keep this pretty positive and full of good things. I'm not going to try and hide the fact that I am struggling right now but as Amanda over at The Fundamental Home has reminded me over at her YouTube channel, I have to be active in overcoming this bout of anxiety and depression. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRBBT0kG3xs&t=10s) She is just a really down to earth gal that I have come to appreciate so check out her Worthy Wednesday series on anxiety and depression :)

Anyway the real reason I wanted to blog today was to expand a bit on why I walked away from Facebook. I will link this to my FB profile for anyone who cares to know.

So about a year maybe a year and a half ago, I cam e to the realization that FB was stealing so much from my life. I was connected to my phone that I wasn't connecting to real life anymore. I was striving to be a positive voice in what has been becoming and more and more hostile environment which isn't a bad thing but I was spending way too much time scrolling through my newsfeed just so I didn't have to engage in the world around me.

So long, long story short, after  months of feeling like I needed to disconnect... I did. God is calling me to a deeper and more authentic relationship with him and with others. FB was getting in the way of that even though some of my best friends live in cyber world and it's the only way we really have to keep up with each other but that's what my messenger app is for! In some ways it takes more time but it's way more fulfilling. DO I feel like I am missing out? Absolutely I do but do I really need to know what's going on in 300 people's lives when I don't even really know what's going on in my next door neighbor's life? These are all things I struggle with and I don't expect I will be away from FB forever, just until I can keep it in perspective and control it, instead of it controlling me. I'm still way to connected to my phone... that's a work in progress!

Disconnecting allows me the head space to deal with many emotional and hard things that I have been, maybe not avoiding but definitely not dealing with. Some of that will show up here on the blog I suspect.

So over the next month, if you've missed me on FB come check in here once and awhile and you can keep up with my life.

The Bow River, at the top of the Spray Lakes road. Love the colours playing off each other


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