23 Years and We Still Like Each Other... Go Us!!!
Bobby and I have been through a lot, probably no more than any other married couple but our story is ours and I choose to celebrate it every chance I get. We are ridiculously in love and I can't quite imagine how the past 23 years has flown by so quickly.
For the past 23 years Bobby has been my rock. He holds me when I feel like I am falling apart. He prays for me when I have no words to speak. His hugs give me strength and his smile... his smile makes my heart sing, even after all these years. In Bobby, I have the best friend I could ever ask for; he really does know me better than I know myself. I know I'm not always the easiest gal to live with and some days, he isn't so fun to be around either but somehow we always come back to the place where we just couldn't be with any once else and nor would we want to be. Our anniversary will always be a welcome day to sit back and see what the Lord has done and celebrate what He is doing with the lives He joined together. This year especially, I know how special it is that we have another anniversary to celebrate. Too many of our dear friends are having to learn how to live without their beloved. Our days are not guaranteed I know this too well and so I will hold on to and be present in each moment I get to spend with my love.
My husband is my prince among men, my love and my friend and I sure do like his hugs and his kisses. We put each other first and we take care of one another. It's a simple way to love but it creates a deep deep well of love and respect. It's deciding each day to make our marriage better and thinking at night, yep we'd still marry each other all over again. It's about being us and not worrying about how others might do things. It's about holding hands and making eye contact when we talk. It's going to bed at the same time and running errands together. We are never far from each other, truly two halves of a whole but giving each other space when we need it. We cherish each other more and more with each passing day and each passing year. Its a love with intention, a love determined to go the distance.
We've figured out a lot about this thing called marriage and I know we have a whole lot more to learn but that promise we made to each other 23 years ago to grow up together still stands. We encourage each other to grow and change. We have cultivated similar interests while continually encouraging the other to be their own person and to become who we are meant to be. We don't always agree but our girls will tell you, we really don't fight. We get mad and sometimes we don't treat each other as we should but it never lasts long. We'd really rather get a long and so we settle stuff pretty quickly and have been very careful not to hold grudges. We try not to let the little stuff bother us and if it does... well I'm not exactly sure what we do about it but we must have a good system ;) We continue to commit to falling in love as often as we have to.
Marriage is hard work, we all know that. It doesn't come without seasons of sacrifice and times of great difficulty but there are also times of incredible joy and seasons of triumph. I honestly can't tell you what kind of season we are in right now but I know I'm grateful to be in it with him.
As our girls enter their adult years, we can look back with a sense of relief that we made it this far and a sense of anticipation at what is to come. We know that in coming years our family will grow as we welcome sons-in-laws and grandchildren (but not too soon, girls you can take your time!) Things will continue to change and we will continue to grow up together... I promise we'll never really grow old, our love and our family will keep us young at heart no matter how many more years we have together ;)
Happy Anniversary, My Love. Praying we have at least 52 more :)
...and ps, Thanks for taking so many selfies with me, I know you hate it so thanks for doing it so graciously. |
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