22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?

I don't have a lot of plans or ideas for down the road as I really want to be living in the present and enjoying each day as it comes. I know I will always be involved with my girls and whatever life brings their way and will continue to enjoy spending my life intertwined with Bobby's. Whatever God brings our way, we will face together.

But just for fun...

In 5 years?
I will be in the midst of getting Brenna ready to graduate high school and probably planning a wedding for either Anna or Emily! My life will be phasing out of being a full time mom and in my dreams I will be phasing into some kind of full time ministry... 45 isn't too old to start a career!

In 10 years? I will be loving having little grand-babies around, no one over 3 yet! Bobby and I will be enjoying our empty nest and probably still be planning a wedding or two... and my 50th birthday!

In 15 years I will be approaching 55... wow. Enjoying grand-babies I'm sure! I can't quite imagine what I will be doing in 15 years but I hope to happy and healthy!


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