
Yesterday we heard a powerful sermon on prayer... a reminder that prayer is a joyful thing, not a duty, not a discipline. We can make it a chore or we can relish in God's presence. It was just the reminder I needed. In Sunday School we talked about how David dealt with his anger by using prayer. I think I'm supposed to think about the way I pray!

For as long as I can remember I have talked to God all day long. I always have a conversation going in my head. I'm not so good at sitting in the silence of God's presence though. Let's face it I'm not good at being quiet... period! But I'm learning.

For the next few weeks I want to be more conscience of how I pray and what I'm praying for... not just a blip on the radar screen, a moment of oh hey God I was just thinking about... I want to be more intentional, more focused. I might use some journals or maybe I'll just set aside some quiet time in my day. I'm not sure yet but I'll keep you posted.

This is not my story but it is a story that I love. A very godly woman was near the end of her life. She had spent her life in service to the King, almost always with a song and smile on her lips. Her children were grown and her husband already in Heaven. She was ready to go home. She was sick towards the end and having trouble breathing, so much so that she was on oxygen and had to focus just to take a breath. On what was to be the last day of her life, she was visiting with her son and as he tells it, this is what she said..."Son, I've figured out how to make breathing easier, every time I have to take a breath I thank God for something and then it is easier to breathe deeply."

May I thank God with every breath, when life is hard may thankfulness make it easier to breathe. And when my day comes that will be my last, I pray that every thought will be one of thankfulness to my King who has granted me each and every one of those breaths.


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