Post 11... Sometimes you just have to take a break.

So this week has been well different, took me a few days to wrap my head around all that was going on and I just couldn't turn on my laptop to keep up with my own personal blog challenge. I needed a time out and so I took one.

I did not however take a break from my daily bible reading. I may not have given it the attention it deserved but I kept up the habit and God has been using the words of James and 2 Peter to remind me of the need for progression, to keep moving forward, to embrace the change and difficulties of life, to grow through them.

There were some key differences in this week's 'slump' than in times past. At no point did I feel hopeless or rejected. I never felt like I couldn't express what I was feeling and most importantly I never felt empty. I knew that I needed to give myself space to feel sad, to be wary of the changes occurring and that the tears that fell at random times were necessary. It was remarkably different from the way it used to be and so I call victory on this one :)

The weeks ahead will not always be easy as I adjust to the changes in the daycare and begin a job hunt in earnest. There will be struggles as I try to balance our family budget. There will be moments where I am simply overwhelmed by it all but I will not be overcome by it.

I know my blog doesn't get read a lot but just in case you are one of the many who have reached out to me in the past week, with hugs, prayers and encouragement I want to say thank you. You made a difference and I appreciate you.


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