Post 9 The tears found me...

One thing I have always appreciated about my little family of 5 is that we have often made family prayer time a priority. I can't say we manage to have it regularly but we embrace the time when the opportunity is there. When the girls were young, it was easy as we just incorporated it into bedtime routine and we taught them how to pray for each other, for our extended family and for the needs of the day.
Those times were priceless and as the girls grew, those family prayer times became moments where they knew they were safe to share their fears and concerns. We would often have a 'family meeting' before prayer time to address plans for the week or concerns around the house. It was a time where honesty and emotion were expected and most of the time comfortable. These moments were like the lights that illuminated our family which I realize sounds a bit corny but it is true none the less. As we spent time at Jesus feet as a family, our burdens became less and our hearts became lighter andwe grew closer as a family
This is what makes our family work and last night as we gathered around our table to play games and enjoy each other's company, the reality that this was the last time we would be 'just as we are' hit with full force. And the tears came as I tried to find the words to guide our family prayer time as I had done so many times in the past. The words would not come but the tears did. Bobby just smiled that smile that lets me know he understands but doesn't know what to say. I love that smile by the way.
After much laughter to cover our sadness we prayed for our Anna, that God would bless her time away and that she would grow in her understanding. For a short time we just poured out our hearts to God that he would bless Anna as she goes. I know we will gather again in just three months but Anna will have three months of life experience that  ill have changed her. God will work in her heart and she will be different. I anticipate the changes and look forward to them but she won't be who she is now. Change, while good, is hard. God will be with us while we are apart and Christmas can't come soon enough!


  1. You do have a great family and much to be thankful for. I especially enjoyed having Brenna in our vehicle this past weekend at soccer. I have not spent any time with her before this and (like your other girls) I found her to be great and a lot of fun. You have done (and are doing) a great job! :)


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