Post 20 Week-end wrap up

This was the first weekend end in recent memory that I can recall not really having any plans at all, I was pretty much free to do as I pleased and so...

On Friday I went and watched Brenna perform at the local United Way telethon and enjoyed it immensely

Sat I didn't sleep in but I stayed in bed forever :). I went and got my nails done, enjoyed a burger for lunch and had coffee with a good friend. I kicked around all afternoon, getting groceries and just being out and about. I spent my evening running to Weyburn and back with Bobby to return the bus he drove that day.

Sunday was a typical Sunday with Sunday School and church and then a blissful afternoon resting on the couch, snuggling with Bobby while we caught up on a few tv shows.

Sunday night was pretty great as I began my own Journey of discovery. I have joined an intensive small group study called The Journey which is a discipleship group that will meet for the next 6-8 months. It requires a high level of commitment and openness and is just what I need right now as I enter this new chapter in my life. It was good to hear where other's were and what we hoped to gain from the group. I am excited to see what comes. I also have to find a mentor... someone to share this journey with. This feels a bit intimidating but I look forward to sharing this part of my life with someone who maybe hasn't been a huge part of my life lately but someone I feel God has been drawing me closer to in preparation for this very thing.

This upcoming week will be a busier one with meetings two nights and a few other things on the go but I am feeling more equipped to handle it than I would have been last week :)


  1. Sounds like a nice weekend! :) Keep us posted on the small group. It sounds interesting too.


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