
Laundry... the metemphor of my life... seriously. If you want to know how I am doing emotionally? Ask me how I'm doing with the laundry.
Maybe it's because I've been ingrained with "As long as your kids are fed and their clothes are clean, you are doing alright. Everything else can wait"
I can't quite figure out which stae of mind goes with which state of laundry though!
Almost 16 years ago when I thought maybe there was something wrong with my 33 week along pregnancy, I could not go to the doctor until my laundry was finished. Granted I only got it all clean, nothing was folded or put away but wow was it ever important to get that laundry clean before I went to the hospital...
I feel so much better when my laundry room is clean and tidy, all the laundry folded and put away but alas that is rarely the case. More often than not, the laundry is kind of like my brain... this pile is clean but not organized, this pile is sorted but not clean, this stack is ready to be put away, oh rats forgot about that load in the washer, better rewash it...
Yeah the more I think about it... laundry is the metephor for my life.
Starngely, this is what was on my mind when I woke up this morning... kinda random but I guess that's bound to happen in my organized,disorganized, jumbled up brain of mine :)


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