Not even going to name it...

So here's my thought of the day... I'll be glad when the hype about a certain movie goes away. I don't intend to watch it, I've not wasted my time on reading the books but I'm not sure that promoting in any way, either negative or positive, accomplishes much. Movies come and movies go and sometimes 'we' get really upset about certain ones but I can't help wonder why this one is so much worse than others that have slipped under the radar. 'We' love entire franchises of movies that promote all kinds of violence, sexuality and the like. How can we boycott one and embrace the other? If boycotting this movie helps you re-evaluate EVERYTHING else you watch then I say 'good for you' but don't let it become the high horse upon which you sit if you aren't willing to give up all movies (and television) which promote things 'we' stand against.

(I get that this particular movie strikes a chord and it's a disappointing view of sexuality and potentially opens the doors to a lot of ugliness, I am not disputing that at all. I would like to make it(the movie, the hype, the debates,) just go away but since that isn't going to happen all I can do is search my own thoughts and intents and decide what I am going to do. I welcome conversations about it and won't hide from it but I won't watch it either.)


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